

All notable changes to the Defly app will be documented in here.

[1.4] - 2023-05

Improved navigation flow, ARC-35 multi import/export, multisig, avatar color


  • Improved account creation
  • Account vanity generator
  • Multisig support
  • ARC-35 multi account backup/recovery
  • Account theme color
  • Improved bottom navigation
  • Preserving state of opened dApp
  • Custom links in dApp browser
  • Custom dApps (Expert mode)
  • Allow close Asset (Opt out) on send (Expert mode)
  • Re-added asset performance percentage in account assets view (can be enabled in the general preferences)


  • Minor bugfixes
  • Adds limit order app to account app list
  • Fixes AlgoExplorer inner tx links

[1.3] - 2023-02

Ledger, Rekeying, NFT avatar
  • Ledger Nano X support
  • Ledger Nano S/S+ support (Android only)
  • Rekey support
  • Accounts view (Hide accounts from side bar, order accounts)
  • Set NFTs as account avatar
  • Transaction details view (in-app)
  • WalletConnect sessions with multiple accounts
  • Shows Algo and Fiat values in wallet view
  • Biometrics support for Android 13
  • Support for Opulous staking pool (account view)
  • Boxes support
  • Glitter dApp
  • Add NFT video support for ARC 19
  • Pact farming pools
  • Limit orders view on price chart
  • Improves swap loading performance and increases limit
  • Market data refresh issues
  • Minor fixes

[1.2] - 2022-12

Limit orders, NFT Gallery, Tinyman v2, dApp browser
  • Limit orders (powered by Deflex, fully on-chain)
  • On-ramp with Transak and Banxa
  • Collectibles Gallery
  • Repetitive price alerts
  • Account apps view (Wallet View -> Algo -> Minimum Balance (dApps))
  • Close-To Payment transaction
  • Tinyman v2 support
  • Folks Finance v2 support in account view
  • Cometa support in account view
  • Locked BANK token support in account view
  • Improves account refreshing performance
  • Long pressing an account in the side drawer copies the account address
  • Added paste icon in scan view (allows to directly paste WalletConnect links)
  • Adds Swaps/Orders/Txs view to asset details
  • Adds in-app dApp browser
  • What's new info popup on first start with new version
  • Switch fiat/algo setting with a tap on the price (pool details view)
  • Shows limit orders in line chart and buy/sell volume
  • Clear state of account apps (expert mode)
  • Improved support info
  • Improved account loading performance
  • MacOS startup bug
  • Increases warning limit for wallet connect transaction fees to 0.02 ALGO to avoid default warning on larger DeFi transaction groups
  • Fixes limit order fee details UI (shows order filler part separately, base amounts rounding)
  • Selection of swap/limit order view is not remembered anymore (defaults to swap view)
  • Improves help texts in order details view
  • Improves loading of limit order app config to avoid UI delay (limit order view)
  • Refreshes NFT gallery when an NFT is sold/send to another account
  • Limit order fixed output max asset warning
  • Allows authAddr fields in WalletConnect
  • Minor adjustments and bugfixes

[1.1] - 2022-10

Algorand Governance, On-ramp, basic NFT support, biometric account lock, atomic swaps, lend/borrow account info, L1 charts, analytics


  • Adds individual biometric lock for accounts (private key access)
  • Adds improved screen lock mechanism with PIN code (please migrate)
  • Semi/full atomic swaps (can be enabled in the preferences)
  • Lend/borrow/stake support for Algofi V1&V2 and Folks Finance
  • Algo price displayed with 3 decimal places
  • Protocol urls link directly to dApps
  • Improves WalletConnect connect UI (direct scan / paste buttons)
  • Support for accounts with more than 1000 asset opt-ins
  • Optimized account loading performance for account view and quick view
  • Improves layout in more view (and subviews)
  • Rearranges and improves preference view
  • Adjusts protocol view and adds NFD to protocols list
  • Adjusts account input container, adds NFD
  • Added a link to the list of protocols when adding a new WalletConnect session
  • Prevents screenshots on iOS and Android in security sensitive areas by default (can be extended to general prevention)
  • Improves fee details descriptions
  • Adds thousands separators to all numbers
  • Opt-In possible for non-swappable/unknown assets (NFDs, NFTs)
  • Moves add asset to the top (Wallet view)
  • Add prices and charts from major L1s (more to come, visible when tapping on Algo price)
  • Adds analytics view (More)
  • Adds Dev Mode (Testnet)
  • Adds preference for larger font size (General preferences)
  • Added option to clear all WalletConnect sessions (WalletConnect view)
  • Moved WalletConnect/Account scan button into side drawer
  • Improves UI for account asset details
  • Adjusts fee fallback (ALGO is used in case charging fees in DEFLY would result in a level downgrade)


  • Fixes reset preferences
  • Makes transaction details view scrollable
  • Fixes asset name overflow for long asset names in transaction details view
  • Add 'Address:' prefix when sharing an account address
  • Fixes opening of pool details view by push notifications
  • Zero-amount assets are hidden by default
  • Account deletion message is fixed for watched accounts
  • Fixes wallet view, asset distribution is shown when fiat amount is selected
  • Fixes supply bar relative width
  • Fixes text pluralization in WalletConnect transaction review
  • Fixes issue with Pact API
  • Fixes bug with account name when preset in watched account view
  • Fixes push notifications for Android 13
  • Fixes display bug with swaps from Tinyman Version 1.0
  • DEFLY/ALGO LPT account balance fix (Correct DEFLY amount is shown in the total sum of DEFLY in the account, before the DEFLY amount in the LP counted twice)
  • Fixes NFD lookup (case-insensitive)

[1.0] - 2022-07

Humble, Market sentiment, security audited


  • Adds Humble support (native swap support, account LPs and farming info)
  • Show feedback in the ui regarding push/camera permission if missing
  • Improves in-app push notifications
  • Marks swaps performed in Defly or by known trading bots in the recent swap list (dot at the end of the line)
  • Show NFD if available in swap details view
  • Fulfilled price alerts are hidden after two weeks (keeps price alert list clean)
  • Swap amount is copyable by long press (Wallet -> Swap view)
  • Removed beta labels
  • Shows a the market sentiment with swap volume aggregation view in the Swap view (can be changed back to candle chart in the preferences)
  • Adds asset & pool metadata validation
  • Swap protocols can be manually excluded in the preferences
  • Adds circulating supply visual bar to asset details container
  • Adds SMA, EMA, WMA (9, 20, 50) for candle charts
  • Combo swaps are grouped in the Wallet -> Swap view
  • Added asset name to asset search list
  • Added price impact tolerance preference (default is set to 10%)
  • Swaps are also shown in the virtual pool details line chart
  • All assets are shown in the wallet
  • NFD assets are verified and shown with NFD logo in the wallet view
  • Added Rekey warning in wallet view (Tap to show auth address)
  • Added NFD on-chain validation
  • Account quick view (Opens an account without the need to add it as watched account)
  • Quick Scan in wallet view to connect to a WalletConnect dApp or open Account quick view
  • Adds fiat currency cache
  • Adds support button (links to, adjusted changelog button to link to docs changelog
  • Update Terms and Conditions with new fee structure


  • Fixes bottom padding for account import word suggestions
  • Show Algo Amount with full decimal places in swap details view
  • Increases data granularity of 1 month view
  • Zero amount can now be set for txs
  • Fixes asset search
  • Fixes permission handling on iOS
  • Fixes create account workflow
  • Shows fiat amounts in pool list items (when set)
  • Fixes application create for WalletConnect
  • Fixes slippage custom amount (validated to max 1 decimal place)
  • Minimal supported iOS version is iOS 14
  • Minimal supported Android version is Android 8 (26)
  • Disconnected WalletConnect sessions are removed from the sessions list
  • Fixes issue with webviews (opened in browser now)

[0.7] - 2022-06-23

Combo swaps, Wallet Connect, NFD, Negative fees, Screen lock


  • Adds combo swaps
  • Wallet connect
  • NFD support
  • The screen is blurred when the app is going in background
  • The screen can be locked depending on the action performed
  • Price impact warning when price impact is greater than 5 percent
  • Jailbreak detection (Warns a user if a jailbreak is detected, can be disabled)
  • Asset and Pool Signature Checks
  • Datetime format is adjustable (relative / absolute)
  • Improved preference screen
  • Added price alert button to swap view
  • Added price alert management view, swipe left to remove (More -> Price Alerts)
  • Show number of asset/app opt-ins in Wallet -> Balance view
  • Adds pie chart (asset distribution) to Wallet -> Balance view
  • Application Call Txs in the same tx group are grouped in Wallet -> Txs view
  • When tapping on the Algorand asset item in Wallet -> Balance view, the Algo price chart opens
  • Fiat amount is shown in the swap input fields and algo/asset send input field
  • Improved account import (shows error when a word is typed wrongly, better error messages, input fields can be switched from vertical to horizontal ordering)
  • Added a reset factory preference button (preference screen)
  • Added asset prices to swap csv export
  • Added Algo Price Chart for different intervals
  • Improved asset ordering in swap view (account assets are listed on top)
  • Adds autocomplete word suggestions for account import
  • Adjusted fee structure
  • Pools smaller then 1000 Algos can optionally be shown in the pool details view
  • When tapping on the current bottom navigation item the default view of the current section is set
  • Buy/Sell Buttons are moved into a fixed footer into the pool details view
  • Add a price impact color indicator to the swap preview (green <= 5%, orange > 5%)
  • Add a warning in the swap preview if the route is not the best available route or the price impact is higher than 5%
  • Improves UI information in the swap view


  • Removed default chart setting (is automatically set depending on the last chosen setting)
  • Improved preferences screen
  • Support of opting out from deleted assets
  • Swap slippage is customizable from 0% to 100%
  • Removed mail from price alerts (push only)
  • Fixed refresh issue when renaming an account
  • Fixed bug with candle charts
  • Changed Defly treasury to a new multisig account: MQCIQCJLLQRZJKAPFBAFABRZPAJWSVJCDNNZCL3BSI4BBC3DQHQLD4UEN4
  • Fixed error message for adding watched accounts
  • Individual pools interval matches the interval selected in the virtual pool line chart

[0.6] - 2022-04-28

Auto Swap, Pact, Push Notifications and many improvements and adjustments


  • Added Pact
  • Added Pact Pool to Defly Fee Level computation
  • Changes bottom navigation, moves swaps and txs into wallet view and added a more view with additional information, preferences, etc.
  • Shows amounts from Algofi staking/farming amounts in account > Balance view
  • Shows amounts from Algofi Vault
  • Adds Import Private Key Slidable action to watched accounts in the sidedrawer
  • Adds push notification for price alerts
  • Introducing concept of virtual pools (aggregate all available pools to one virtual pool)
  • Swap Auto Protocol Selection
  • Swap details screen (opened when tapped on a swap in the swap list)
  • Assets can be removed from an account (wallet > balance section)


  • Fixes pool names in transaction list view
  • Reduces TTL for asset icon cache (refreshed more often when logos are changed)
  • Switched to new wording for Algorand accounts (instead of wallet)
  • Improved pool search, e.g. it can be search for "DEFLY/STBL"
  • Improves redeem performance
  • Increases endpoint timeout
  • Better support for OS based font scaling
  • When the private key is added for an account which was already added as watched account, the watched account is overwritten
  • After a swap, the account balance is updated automatically in the swap view
  • Only shows Freeze/Clawback labels in red when activated ("No freeze" / "No clawback" was removed)
  • Fixes asset distribution touch functionality (moved info box to the top of the chart for better visibility)
  • Adjusted candle chart, improved data section and date/time readability
  • Localizing date/time
  • Fixes mini price lines coloring when cached
  • Fixes server info messages
  • Improves candle chart data interface in pool details
  • Fixes candle chart volume and candle chart scroll bug in swap view
  • Remove Swap/Details slidable actions in virtual pool list (For quick access use: tap to open details, long press to swap)
  • Remove Star slidable action (To star a virtual pool, tap the star in the pool list or open details and tap star in the header)
  • When switching assets in the swap page the amount is switched as well
  • Selection of individual assets instead of pools in swap view
  • When using a watched account, it is now possible to tap on the warning in the swap view to directly add the private key
  • In the balance asset list, a custom, cleaner name for pool tokens is shown
  • Progress indicator when opting in/out of an asset
  • Custom pool names in wallet balance view
  • Auto convert starred pools to starred vPools
  • Improved account loading performance
  • Added asset distribution info overlay
  • Improved pool search performance
  • Fixed all-time interval bug

[0.2.16] - 2022-03-17

Preparations for launch, minor fixes and adjustments


  • Mini-Disclaimer for swap confirmation view (to comply with legal regulations)
  • Percentage indicator on asset input (Swap view, Send view)
  • AlgoFi charts & swaps
  • 4h interval
  • Beta features (swap, wallet create/import) are disabled by default, but can be enabled in the settings
  • Onboarding
  • ASA-ASA-Pools are shown in the wallet with the current value equivalent in Algo


  • Fixed pool details chart analysis details
  • Beta label is removed from swaps
  • Beta labels are moved directly into new/import wallet for less intrusive user experience
  • Fixed an issue with new pools in pool details
  • Fixed empty text for starred pool view
  • Improved flow for adding the first wallet
  • Renames Algofi Pool Tiers to Low/High
  • Fix in wallet view with long asset names on small devices
  • Default value for protocols in pool view is now 'All'
  • Removed protocol selection for starred view (all starred pools should always be shown)
  • Fixes redeem bug
  • Fixes swap error messages
  • Fixed bug occuring with new indexer version
  • Increased timeouts
  • Slightly adjusted app logo and inverted app icon colors
  • Adjusted disclaimer
  • Added auto fallback for node and indexer
  • When the device is offline or the api/node/indexer is not available, an info message is shown
  • Pool selection config (interval, ordering) is saved for every view (starred, pools, new, hot, wrapped)
  • Bugfixes

[0.2] - 2022-02-27


  • Added link to pool details from wallet asset details view
  • Added merged wallet view (experimental, can be enabled in the preferences)
  • Makes ASA ID copyable to clipboard
  • Link to AlgoExplorer for Asset and Pool in Pool Details view
  • Warning is shown in swap view when private key is not set
  • New wallets can be created
  • Funds can be sent between wallets (if private key is set)
  • Mini candle chart in swap view
  • Implemented Transaction List
  • Increases the minimum total liquidity for a Asset/Algo Pair to be listed in the pairs view to 500 Algos
  • Optional profanity filter (can be enabled in the settings)
  • New Add Wallet flow (Create/Import/Watch)
  • A wallets name can be changed (Name)
  • connected/watched (read-only) wallets divided visually
  • Candle chart settings are remembered (interval, trend lines)
  • Pair list settings are remembered (interval, sorting)
  • Added info to candle chart data details
  • Pools can be sorted according to Asset 1 Holder Count
  • List of other pools with asset1 are shown in the pool details
  • List of pool are shown in the wallet asset details
  • In the wallet asset details, the Asset/Algo pool can be starred and a price alert can be set
  • In the transactions view, last selected view is stored
  • Manual asset opt in in wallet view
  • Added support for inner transactions
  • Added fiat support in pairs view, wallet view, pairs details and asset details (swap view will follow)
  • Added verified only filter (default true)
  • Shows asset verification symbol in wallet view
  • Added wallet mnemonic words export screen


  • Fixed freeze/clawback when only one of them is active
  • Show amount of token holders as '-' when asset has not been crawled yet
  • In the pool details view, if a pool has no swaps an info is shown (No data available)
  • Fixed wallet drawer when many wallets are added
  • Fiat-Amount in wallet view is always shown with 2 decimal places
  • Fixed price alert overlay for small devices
  • Refactorings
  • Slightly increases default candle width for better visibility
  • Fixed price line chart drag behavior and price visualization on reload
  • Sorted new pools according to Liquidity Size
  • No Freeze/No Clawback label fixed on small devices
  • Swap list view is refreshed correctly
  • Swap failed is now showing a confirmation timeout error, if that was the issue
  • Increased swap confirmation timeout
  • Improved pasting, added paste buttons to various input field
  • When deleting a wallet, the wallet selection is now updated if the wallet was the selected wallet
  • Improves user experience when no wallet was added yet
  • Fixes reconnection issues when the app started when the device was offline
  • Bugfix for swap placement line chart in the wallet asset details view

[0.1.54] - 2022-02-07


  • Added pool detail button to swap view (next to recent swaps)
  • Line chart delta view (swipe over line chart in pool details view)
  • Swap direction is saved
  • Initiate buy/sell swap from gain details view
  • Revamped wallet view
  • In the transactions (swap) view, you can tap a swap to open it in AlgoExplorer for verification
  • In the swap view, you can tap a market swap to open it in AlgoExplorer for verification
  • transactions (swap) view infinite scroll with all swaps
  • Export swaps as csv file (experimental)
  • Outdated version info is shown in the app when a new build is available
  • Pool search info (Search attribute can be unit, name, asa id)
  • Show Wallet Name/Address in swap preview
  • A warning is shown when your Algo Amount in a wallet is close to the minimum (1 Algo)
  • Shows algo price in wallet view
  • Improved pool details view (Buy/Sell-Buttons, AlgoExplorer-Asset-Link)
  • Adds offline warning when device is offline or server is unreachable
  • Set default slippage to 1% and default currency to USD
  • Real time updates in pool details view
  • Stores selected interval for candle chart
  • Adjusted gain view, added buy/sell buttons, added Interactive Buy/Sell Delta, adjusted terminology
  • Added pool detail button to swap view (next to recent swaps)


  • Fixed price impact
  • Potential gain considers fees
  • Wallet gains with/without impact (preferences)
  • Fixed swap preview unit name for pay (max)
  • Fixed swap amounts (recent market swaps and transaction swaps)
  • Price Alert Email Input error notification when email is invalid
  • When a swap fails, a more detailed error message is shown
  • Improves pool details usability, added buy/sell buttons, relocated time interval/ma buttons for candle chart
  • Max swappable amount is fixed if the input asset is ALGO
  • Fixed minimal algo value calculation
  • Improves price line loading performance
  • Performance improvements
  • Scroll issue on wallet page fixed
  • Removes swap button in pair details on top (replaced by buy/sell buttons)
  • Volume of Non-Algo-Pools is now shown as Asset2-Volume
  • In the pairs list, the star is easier to tap now

[0.1.39] - 2022-01-27


  • Swap Button in Pool details view (Top center)
  • Show percentage of LP Tokens regarding to full pool size in wallet view
  • Adds Algorand Transaction fee in fee calculation and detail view
  • Always show fee in total Algo equivalent amount for better transparency in preview
  • Show fees in fee details view corresponding asset amounts in fee details and total equivalent Algo Amount
  • Limited offline functionality
  • Show current defly level in wallet (if defly pool tokens are hold)
  • Zero-Assets (Assets with a token amount of 0) can be shown in the wallet (Adjustable in the preferences)
  • Android Navigation Bar Back Behavior: When going back, the app returns to the pair view. When in pair view, the app is closed
  • Users can switch between theoretical price (no price impact) and actual price (with price impact) in the wallet page


  • Transaction fees are added in swap preview and fee details view
  • Price Impact Fixes
  • Improved starting time
  • Fixed Problem with Swap Failed
  • Claw/Freeze indication fix
  • Improved private key insertion interface
  • Make percentage / factor consistent in all places
  • Price in price alert overlay is always calculated relative to current price
  • Improve mnemonic input
  • Max swappable amount is fixed if the input asset is ALGO
  • Improved server maintenance handling and server timeout handling
  • Keyboard is closed when swap preview returns
  • Fixed fee calculation bug
  • Order pool in search view according favorites, algo pools and liquidity
  • Swap pair selection saved
  • Minor fixes

[0.1.29] - 2022-01-21


  • Bugfixes